Sunday, July 18, 2010

Can you make a movie masterpiece in 48 hours?

Most movies take years to get made. But the Winnipeg Film Group and Cinematheque are hoping you can pull off a good four-minute short in 48 hours.
The WFG's 48 Hour Film Contest invites would-be auteurs to start a film Friday evening and have it ready for screening Sunday. Competing teams have a choice of formats: playable, non-looped DVDs, aee mini dv, 16mm film or 35mm film.
For the first time this year, teams will randomly be given a genre, line of dialogue/text, and prop/item to include in their film. Contestants pay a registration fee of $10 per team and must shoot and edit the entire film (to a maximum running time of four minutes) in the designated 48 hours using the items chosen.
All films, to a maximum of 25 entries, will premiere at Cinematheque Sunday at 7:30 p.m.
Completed films are to be dropped off at the Cinematheque on Sunday between 5:30 p.m.and 6 p.m.
The WFG's contest announcement contains the following advisories:
You do not have to live in Winnipeg to participate but you must be present at the beginning and end of the 48-hour period to be eligible.
You must register with the $10 entry fee. Cash only.
The entry fee entitles you to two free passes to the screening on Sunday.
No equipment will be provided to filmmakers.
The entered films can be about anything you choose but must contain the randomly drawn items chosen by a team member at registration time.
Please include filmmaker names, title and screening ratio on your DVD.
Prizes will be awarded.
If you are interested in being involved in a film but don't have a team, you could show up at registration and possibly join someone else's team. Editors are needed.
Warning: Films are not screened prior to the première on Sunday so they may contain imagery and situations not suitable for all audiences. Films will not be rated.
The WFG encourages all filmmaking teams to follow City of Winnipeg filming rules and accepts no responsibility for filmmakers while on shoots for this contest. Please act conscientiously while on your shoots.

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